1. Feng Z, Liu X, Qin Y, et al. Cooperation of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi and Bacteria to Facilitate the Host Plant Growth Dependent on Soil pH. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2023, 14, 454.
2. Liu X, Feng Z, Zhou Y, et al. Plant species-dependent effects of liming and plant residue incorporation on soil bacterial community and activity in an acidic orchard soil. Appled Science, 2020, 10(16): 5681.
3. Liu X, Feng Z, Zhao Z, et al. Acidic soil inhibits the functionality of arbuscularmycorrhizal fungi by reducing arbuscule formation in tomato roots. Soil Science & Plant Nutrition, 2020, 66(2):275-284.
4. Feng Z, Liu X, Feng G, et al. Linking lipid transfer with reduced arbuscule formation in tomato roots colonized by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus under low pH stress. Environmental Microbiology, 2019, 22(3):1036-1051.
5. Liu X, Feng Z, Zhu H, et al. Exogenous abscisic acid and root volatiles increase sporulation of Rhizophagus irregularis DAOM 197198 in asymbiotic and pre-symbiotic status. Mycorrhiza, 2019, 29(6):581-589.
6. Zhou Y, Qin Y, Liu X, et al. Soil bacterial function associated with stylo (legume) and bahiagrass (grass) is affected more strongly by soil chemical property than by tacterial community composition. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2019, 10:1-10.
7. Zhou Y, Chang H, Feng Z, Liu X, et al. Growth and photosynthetic responses of litchi seedlings to arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal inoculation: Differences between two genotypes. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 2018, 46(2):466-473.
8. Gu Z, Zhu H, Xie X, Wang Y, Liu X, et al. The feather-degrading bacterial the feather-degrading bacterial community in two soils as revealed by a specific primer targeting serine-type keratinolytic proteases. World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology, 2016, 32(10):165.
1. 朱红惠; 刘晓迪; 冯曾威; 姚青; 一种低温促进丛枝菌根真菌菌丝体萌发的方法和应用, 申请日期: 2022-04-12, 申请号: 202210372079.3
2. 朱红惠; 刘晓迪; 冯曾威; 姚青; 一种促进丛枝菌根真菌非共生产孢的方法及其应用, 申请日期: 2021-5-12, 专利号: ZL202110518816.3
3. 姚青; 冯曾威; 刘晓迪; 朱红惠; 一种基于高通量测序的促生菌株筛选方法及其应用, 申请日期: 2020-7-30, 专利号: ZL202010748500.9
4. 姚青; 刘晓迪; 冯曾威; 朱红惠; 赤霉素缺陷型突变体在促进丛枝菌根真菌产孢中的应用, 申请日期: 2020-7-23, 申请号: CN202010718350.7
5. 姚青; 刘晓迪; 冯曾威; 朱红惠; 脱落酸在促进丛枝菌根真菌产孢中的应用, 申请日期: 2019-12-19, 申请号: 201911320670.0
6. 姚青; 刘晓迪; 顾振红; 朱红惠; 谢小林; 一株金黄杆菌Chryseobacterium ureilyticum R1及其应用, 申请日期: 2013-12-23, 专利号: ZL201310716511.9
7. 姚青; 刘晓迪; 顾振红; 朱红惠; 谢小林; 一株假单胞菌Pseudomonas otitidis H3及其应用, 申请日期: 2013-12-23, 专利号: ZL201310716497.2
8. 姚青; 顾振红; 刘晓迪; 朱红惠; 谢小林; 一株蜡状芽孢杆菌Bacillus cereus J2及其应用, 申请日期: 2013-12-23, 专利号: ZL201310716495.3
9. 姚青; 顾振红; 刘晓迪; 朱红惠; 谢小林; 一株枯草芽孢杆菌Bacillus subtilis 3-2及其应用, 申请日期: 2013-12-23, 专利号 ZL201310716496.8
Zhu H, Liu X, Feng Z, et al. Promoting crop growth with symbiotic microbes in agro-ecosystems in climate change era. In New and Future Developments in Microbial Biotechnology and Bioengineering: Microbial Biotechnology in Agro-Environmental Sustainability. Eds, Jay Shankar Singh and D.P. Singh, ISBN: 978-0-444-64191-5, Elsevier, pp 31-41.
1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,AM真菌对不同链长脂肪酸选择性吸收代谢及激素调控模式研究,32200087,2023-01-01至2025-12-31,在研,主持
3. 广东省科学院“千名博士(后)计划”引进专项,环境中脂类对AM真菌侵染、功能和产孢的影响模式与作用机制,2021GDASYL-20210103023,2021-01至2022-12,在研,主持